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E ইউনিট : ২০০৭-২০০৮ || চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2007


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most people who feel they have been wronged have a ready remedy in courts of law
many people would like to bring a case to court but are unable to because of the cost and time required
the judicial system in the United States is highly acclaimed for its efficiency
someday pretrial conferences likely will replace trails completely
most people feel like going to higher court for justice
It is possible to have one's case heard by a jury if one is dissatisfied with the court's decision
The litigants must plead accurately and according to a strict form
The decision may not be appealed to a higher court
The parties may not present present their cases without an attorney's help
The decision can be appealed to higher court
All states should follow California's example in using small-claims courts in order to free judges for other work
The legislature needs to formulate fewer laws so that the judiciary can catch up on its older cases
Nobody seems to care enough to attempt to find methods for making the judicial system more efficient
While there are many problems with the court system, there are available suggestions for improvement El The judiciary in jeopardy
None of them
jury members
parties in a law suit
marrow the issues
cause early settlements
save judicial time
increase settlements costs
judicial inquiry
give up
to give up
given up
giving up
be given up
The end of a road
The last line of a book
The final step
The essential point
Narrow line
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